Lockmasters’ JumpBox is specifically designed to open electronic locks when the operating code is known but fails to successfully open the lock. The JumpBox houses a high power lithium based cell which gets boosted by an internal high current voltage regulator circuit to provide an instantaneous surge of power and a sustained output of over four amps.Testing has shown this powerful e-lock “jump start” eliminates the need to drill nearly 70 percent of malfunctioning electronic safe locks.
The JumpBox is carefully engineered to safely boost power and causes no damage to the lock itself. It works on nearly all electronic safe locks and quickly attaches to the existing battery terminals in the keypad in place of the normal 9-volt battery. Use the JumpBox to overcome cross-threaded drive nuts, stripped drive nuts, stalled motors, bolt side pressure, stalled solenoids, binding slides, defective keypads and damaged keypad cables.
More Info: www.lockmasters.com.