Updated Steel Window and Door Specifications Help Ensure Performance and Quality
CLEVELAND, OHIO—October 8, 2019—The Steel Window Institute (SWI) has recently completed a periodic review and update of its Steel Windows and Doors Specifications and Detention Specifications. These specifications, which incorporate current ASTM standards, offer valuable information that helps define the minimum performance requirements of steel windows and doors and meets the needs of architects, specifiers, homeowners, and developers. A copy of each specification document can be downloaded at www.steelwindows.com.
“The SWI specifications provide clear instructions in an easy-to-use format on the intent, performance, and construction of steel windows and doors,” said Ryan Carlson, chair of SWI’s Technical Committee. “They also provide reference to the quality and standards which should be applied to the material and product, assuring architects that the product they purchased is being delivered.”
Architects can rest assured that the steel windows and doors they require are of the highest quality set forth in SWI’s specifications. Designed expressly for steel windows and doors and those who work with them, the Steel Windows and Doors Specifications are broken out into five sections, including hot rolled, cold rolled, and fire rated. The Detention Specifications cover various types of security windows, such as steel maximum/moderate and stainless-steel options.
With the materials and manufacturers’ products clearly defined, the latest version of ASTM standards references the performance for air infiltration, water penetration, and, in the case of non-weather strip sections, structural requirements that steel windows and doors must meet or exceed. The specifications also include sections on product inspection, installation, and cleaning.
In addition to the updated steel window and door specifications, SWI’s website (www.steelwindows.com) has an array of other useful information for the steel window and door industry, including product sourcing guides for residential and commercial windows and doors and detention/security windows.
The members of SWI are leading manufacturers of windows and doors made from hot-rolled purpose-made steel sections and such related products as casings, trim, mechanical operators, screens, and moldings that are manufactured and sold by members of the industry for use with steel windows and doors. SWI provides the public with general and technical information concerning the industry’s products. Proprietary specifications produced by each SWI member are available from individual members upon request.
For more information, please contact the Steel Window Institute, 1300 Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-2851. Phone: 216-241-7333; fax: 216-241-0105. On the web: https://www.steelwindows.com/.