Webinar: Introduction to Code Requirements for Access Control Systems
Allegion’s Lori Greene’s popular webinar series continues June 18 with Webinar 3: Introduction to the Code Requirements for Access Control Systems. Following is the course description:
The model codes that are used widely in the United States include sections addressing various applications for electrified hardware and access control systems. The code requirements differ depending on the type of system and the adopted code. This webinar will be the first in a series related to electrified hardware, covering the types of hardware and how the codes might affect them.
How do you know whether to choose a fail-safe or fail-secure lockset? What’s the difference between controlled-egress and free-egress locks? Are you confident that you’re specifying, supplying or installing code-compliant systems? This webinar will help fill in the gaps. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the webinar.
The webinar will be offered at 11 a.m. and again at 2 p.m. EDT and available online afterward.
The live version of this webinar will provide continuing-education credits for the following organizations:
AIA – 1 HSW learning unit
DHI – 2 continuing-education units
ICC – 0.1 continuing-education units