ALOA’s Education Department has released its fall training lineup, including both online and in-person courses. Topics range from fire door inspections to automotive to safe servicing.
For complete course listings and costs, see the ALOA calendar.
Fire Door Inspection Certification Webinar: Sept. 13-14
This two-day online course, taught byTom Foxwell, RL, CFDI, includes the Fire Door Inspectors Exam. Learn how to be an ALOA Fire Door Inspector and earn more money by conducting fire door inspections.
This webinar includes three-hour sessions each day, plus an evening homework assignment of inspecting a fire door. To attain the certification, students must attend all six hours of the webinar and pass the AFDI Examination that is immediately following the class. Re-certification is required every three years.
Auto Essentials and Intermediate Domestic Auto Classes: Oct. 7 and 8
In-person classes meet at ALOA’s Dallas headquarters from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The instructor is Tony Cagle. Students attending both days earn 16 hours of CEUs.
Fundamentals of Locksmithing, Oct. 17-22.
ALOA's six-day Fundamentals of Locksmithing class resumes in-person training Oct. 17 at ALOA Headquarters in Dallas, Texas. This course will provide students with basic hands-on knowledge of locks and security-related hardware. Students will work with basic locksmithing tools such as dial calipers, impressioning pliers soft face mallet, lock pick set, along with other locksmith specialty tools. Upon completion, students will have the knowledge required to work as an apprentice locksmith.
Foreign Auto: Mercedes Key Programming and Servicing, Nov. 5 and 6
In-person classes meet at ALOA’s Dallas headquarters from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Instructors are Rafael Marte, CRL, CAL, CAI and Jason Jaudon. Students earn 16 hours of CEUs.
Safe and Vault Servicing, Nov. 11-13
In-person classes meet at ALOA’s Dallas headquarters. Basic Safe Opening is offered on Nov. 11, followed by Advanced Safe Opening and Repair Nov. 12-13.