Kaba Access Control Product Catalogs Available
Kaba's new E-Plex®, Simplex®, and Peaks® product catalogs offer end-users, locksmiths, dealers, and distributors a comprehensive resource for identifying products by model number and feature set. The catalog pages detail product information, including images, descriptions, and technical specifications. In addition, the product configurator helps build an exact part number and provides the list price with any additional costs for options.
The E-Plex catalog covers a broad range of electronic locks varying from simple stand-alone PIN and/or card access locks to more advanced locks that require software for managing many users and doors.
The Simplex catalog includes an extensive line of mechanical pushbutton locks. These locks do not require keys or cards to manage, computers to program, or batteries to replace. The new edition updates exit device compatibility on certain Simplex Locks and includes mortise options for the Simplex 5000 Lock.
The Peaks catalog incorporates information on the Peaks Preferred and Classic Patented Key Control Systems. Both systems offer a cost-effective and secure method for key control management. Patents on the key-and-cylinder, vendor contractual agreements, and key blank control eliminate the unauthorized manufacture and duplication of keys.
An electronic copy of the catalog is available at www.kabaaccess.com. To obtain a printed copy at no charge, contact Kaba Access at 800.849.8324.
IR Launches Dealer/Distributor Knowledge Center
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies has provided its authorized dealers/distributors a new Knowledge Center portal with which they can log in to ask questions on a variety of door hardware and access control topics. The portal provides a wide range of solutions, from which type of steel door to use on a particular opening to installation suggestions, templates and service manuals on specific products. As a result, authorized Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies dealers and distributors now have 24/7 support for finding information from a database of over 2,500 solutions.
“Our new Knowledge Center highlights another advantage of being an Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies channel partner,” emphasizes Al Urbaniak, Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies product support manager. “We are now packaging information from both our product Technical Support teams and our highly respected training programs, sharing it with our authorized dealers and distributors instantaneously, on demand.”
“Importantly, the new Knowledge Center is dynamic,” adds Urbaniak. “Upon finding a solution, the Knowledge Center itself asks for feedback by providing an opportunity for the user to rate the solution, telling us whether or not if the solution could be found and, if found, how to improve it. In this way, the Knowledge Center is constantly being updated. User feedback is imperative for its success and provides our Technical Support Team with yet another way to have ongoing input from customers.”
To use the Knowledge Center portal, an authorized dealer or distributor logs into the Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies PartnerLink Site, clicks to the Knowledge Center and enters a question or problem. The site then provides a series of even more detailed questions. By clicking on the one that more finely details the question asked, the Knowledge Center provides the solution or answer to the question. If the solution needed is a template, specification sheet, installation manual or other “printed” material, the Knowledge Center takes the user to that material.
Dealers and distributors can also ask questions about how Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies products work together, such as “What type of power supply would I use with a Von Duprin EL device?” The Knowledge Center will return a detailed solution or answer and, in some instances, even reference older product versions that are no longer sold but could work if the inquirer’s customer still has them currently installed.
At the bottom of each solution or attachment, the inquirer can rate the content from poor to excellent. The user can also comment on the solution and submit the comment, which goes immediately to Technical Support, which responds quickly.
The Knowledge Center portal also interfaces with industry websites when applicable, giving the user even more information at their fingertips all in an effort to provide the most comprehensive destination for technical information.
Beginning its pilot phase in April 2012, the Knowledge Center has provided in excess of 30 solutions a day. Many of these solutions were searched during evening hours and on weekends. The numbers are expected to rise quickly as more people learn about Knowledge Center and understand the wealth of information that is readily available.