Power In Numbers
Editor’s Note: The following letter is in response to Editor-In-Chief Gale Johnson’s September Notes from the Editor enewsletter about the recent ALOA locksmith convention and cooperation among locksmiths. Read the full article here: www.locksmithledger.com/12115135
We also have had difficulties with these types of problems, and are very interested in finding associations to affiliate with and share information. Do you have any suggestions or information about mfgs. or dealers starting or maintaining such associations? We have been trying to work with other locksmiths in our area but have had little time or experience in organizing anything like this Thanks for any help you can offer
Chris Jungerman
David’s Key
Binghamton, NY
2016 Security Register
The editors at Locksmith Ledger are hard at work on the 2016 Security Register, an annual industry resource containing detailed information on the manufacturers and distributors serving the locksmith industry and the types of products and services they provide. (This information is also used in our Online Buyers Guide at www.locksmithledger.com/directory.)
Please help us provide the most up-to-date information as possible to our readers. By now, all suppliers should have received our update forms through a mailing and/or email effort. Please be sure to review and update your mailing, email, web and product category information and return these forms. The deadline of Nov. 9 is fast approaching!
If you cannot locate your forms and would like a blank form, please email [email protected]. If you would prefer to complete the form online, please request your individual link and we will send it right over. Thank you for your help!
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- Notes from the Editor is a timely, interesting monthly report from Editor-In-Chief Gale Johnson.
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Post your questions at http://forums.locksmithledger.com/ and see if your colleagues or our editors can provide an answer. Forum topics include Ask An Expert (moderated by editor in chief Gale Johnson), General Locksmithing, Electronic Access Control, Safe Servicing and Automotive Locksmithing.
Send Your Letters
The editors of Locksmith Ledger welcome reader input. Share your comments and suggestions on any of our articles or general industry trends and topics. Let us know what topics you would like us to cover in future issues.
Letters can be faxed to 866-827-8020 or E-mailed to [email protected].