Always Interesting
Eleven years ago I retired from 20 years of inspecting and maintaining military aircraft and took over the key and locksmith shop my father-in-law had run for 55 years. With only a Foley Bellsaw correspondence course, I was able to pass the test for a license and unfortunately my father-in-law was not able to train me. The shop is old, well known, and well stocked and is located beside the DMV (tag place) downtown. This is a midsized town in the middle of North Carolina.
I immediately joined the North Carolina Locksmiths Association ( which he helped to establish. At the first quarterly meeting I attended I met Mike, who became my mentor and I started taking classes to learn oh so much of locksmithing that I didn't know. Mike has talked me through many things I got into but didn't know how to get out of.
People who know I'm comparatively new to the business often ask me how I like it. My stock answer is "It's always interesting, sometimes fun, and sometimes a pain in the ___." I know this could apply to most jobs! Having a physical shop in a midsized town brings an amazing array of odd and interesting things through the door and service related questions on the phone.
After only 11 years I've unlocked cars, 18-wheelers, even houses where people were locked out by dogs. I once was asked by the police to unlock a car in the Wal-mart parking lot because the driver had gotten in, locked the doors, and apparently had a heart attack and died.
People have also brought in strange things to have them unlocked or keys made, such as a full sized one-arm bandit, antique locks, and a lockable whiskey decanter set with a very strange lock. I once got a call from Green Bay, Wisconsin, wanting me to unlock a house. Turned out that he was on a business trip and his wife had locked herself out in my general area (still about 50 miles away).
I can only imagine what my father-in-law and others, with many years in the trade have experienced.
Robert Donaldson
Beaver Key & Locksmith
Statesville, NC
Coming Soon: 2019 Security Register
The Locksmith Ledger staff is hard at work on the 2019 Security Register, our comprehensive annual directory of manufacturers and distributors serving the locksmith industry. This valuable reference guide will be mailed to subscribers at the end of the year.
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