Back Page, February 2024

Jan. 12, 2024

10 Years Ago

Two articles in the February 2014 issue of Locksmith Ledger correctly identified the smartphone as the credential of choice for the future. Cindy English from Allegion reported on the advantages of Near Field Communications (NFC) technology, while Jeremy Earles wrote about the migration from card to smartphone, popular on college campuses. An article on gate security examined the Locinox product lineup. Gale Johnson took a look at Master Lock products, going beyond padlocks to coupler locks, cable locks and residential door locks. Jerry Levine wrote about the STRATTEC BoltLock line, which allows cargo locks, trailer locks, coupler locks and spare tire locks to be set to work with the car key. Since then, quite a few new models have been added. An electronic access control story covered Kaba’s then-new AD102 biometric kit. Steve Young wrote about "Starting Out – or Starting Over – as an Automotive Locksmith," looking at the truck and tools needed to get up and running. The article "Key Control: One Key Opens Both Door and Cabinet Locks" looked at SFIC options from Olympus Lock. Jerry Levine provided tips for upgrading to continuous hinges.


20 Years Ago

Institutional locksmiths were featured in the February 2004 Locksmith Ledger. We visited some institutional locksmith shops to get a first-hand, impressive look at their operations. Steve Kaufman visited institutional locksmith John Truempy who was a locksmith at the University of Pennsylvania.  Tim O’Leary visited the locksmith shop at the University of Virginia.   A-1 showed their line of IC servicing tools and installation jigs, still sought after today, years after A-1 ceased operations. Kaba Ilco provided an article on the Kaba Solitaire lock system.  The Institutional Locksmith Association held their convention in Bristol, CT, and  Locksmith Ledger was there to report on the event. Tom Gillespie explained what the various mortise lock function numbers mean.  Rod Oden detailed some lockset installation mistakes that can lead to serious problems.  STRATTEC explained how to use their Code-Seeker machine.  Jerry Levine installed a Sargent 351 EHT closer/holder device.  Jeff Trepanier reviewed the Pro-Lok auto opening manual.


Be Social!

Twenty years ago in February 2004, a college student named Mark Zuckerberg launched something known as “TheFacebook,” opening the gates to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and many other successful and unsuccessful social media networks. Remember MySpace?

It’s the wild, wild West out there in 2024, twenty years later, with all kinds of discussion forums, specialty groups and video channels. Before the onslaught of social media, locksmith secrets could remain secret. Today, anyone can search for information on lock picking, methods of entry and legitimate and non-legitimate locksmithing tips. Lockpicking has become a sport. Like with any other method of communication, there’s good and bad to the story. We’ve seen some great collaboration between colleagues on some of the discussion forums, and online how-to training videos can be invaluable.

Also in February 2004:

  • George W. Bush had just begun his second term as president.
  • Gas prices averaged $1,88 a gallon, the last month they averaged under $2/gallon. By the end of February, the average was up to $1,99/gallon.
  • Bluetooth was in its infancy and the cool new electronics included the iPod. Skype was the leading video chat platform.
  • The iPhone, Android, and other proper smartphones were still a few years away, and cellphone manufacturers were adding one-megapixel cameras to their devices.