Advanced Diagnostics Issues Smart Pro Update Warning
May 11, 2022
Related To: Advanced Diagnostics USA
Automotive locksmiths who use the Smart Pro by Advanced Diagnostics to program transponder keys might have to make an update to continue the device’s Wi-Fi capability.
Advanced Diagnostics announced that because of a server issue, Smart Pro users who haven’t advanced their operating software beyond version 3.1.2 will lose the capability to update or load tokens via their Wi-Fi connection after May 24, 2022. Advanced Diagnostics says “users are required to update their Smart Pro Core App version to v3.1.3 as soon as possible to continue the Wi-Fi functionality.”
Without the update, Advanced Diagnostics says, you’ll have to update via the AD loader to restore the functionality.
Advanced Diagnostics further advises: To check with core application is installed on your Smart Pro, please select Settings from the home screen and then General, followed by Software Version. The current Core App version is then listed on the screen.”