Classroom Function Security Upgrades: Mechanical and Electromechanical
Classroom function door locks, ANSI/BHMA F84 cylindrical locks and F05 mortise locks were designed to restrict locking and unlocking the outside knob to using a key. These classroom lock configurations have a lock cylinder in the exterior knob or lever or an exterior mortise cylinder. F05 and F84 classroom locks have only a closed knob or lever on the interior, which is always free for immediate egress. The interior trim cannot lock or unlock the outside knob or lever.
The original classroom door lock function had no inside lock/unlock control, designed to keep students from everyone or just the teacher out of the room. Over the years, classroom lock choices have increased in an attempt to enable teachers and key personnel to lock the door locks without going outside of the classroom. New mechanical and electromechanical locks expand upon the original concept, providing additional and differing levels of security. Some mechanical locks have the ability to not only lock the exterior lever, but also to disable the outside lock cylinder. Electromechanical locks can be locked via fob remotely when networked (global lockdown).
Many states and local government agencies have enacted educational facility laws designed to better protect students and staff. California Law AB 211 requires locks on classrooms, entrances and room doors with occupancy of five or more persons regardless of occupancy classification group to be capable of being locked from the inside. Doors that are locked from the outside at all times and pupil restrooms are exempt from the requirements. AB211 only applies to new K-12 construction projects submitted to the Division of the State Architect that receive state funding. AB211 does not apply to renovation of existing buildings or additions to existing buildings.
New mechanical classroom security lock models add a lock cylinder (or turn mechanism) to the secured (classroom) side of the door, enabling teachers (or students) to lock the door from within the classroom.
The ANSI/BHMA F32 Intruder Classroom Mortise Lock offers functionality beyond the classroom lock. The key operating the outside or the inside lock cylinders locks or unlocks the outside knob/lever. When the outside lever has been locked by the inside mortise cylinder, the key in the outside lock cylinder can retract the latch. It will not unlock the trim. The inside lever is always free for immediate egress.
The ANSI/BHMA F110 Classroom Intruder Cylindrical Lock offers functionality beyond the Classroom Security Cylindrical Lock. The key operating the outside lock cylinder locks or unlocks the outside lever, except when outside lever is locked by the key operating the inside lock cylinder. The inside lever is always free for immediate egress.
Additional new classroom security lock models offer variations of latch retraction by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever is locked from inside or outside by key. The inside knob/lever is always free for immediate egress. Some lock manufacturers offer the classroom security mortise lock function with holdback. Key controlled holdback retracts the latch into passage mode, permitting the lock to be push or pull operated. This feature significantly reduces operational wear.
The Marks USA LocDown Mortise Lockset, LA318GJ Classroom Intruder function, is similar to the F32. The inside mortise cylinder is single acting, able to rotate in one direction only. Operating the interior mortise cylinder will only lock the exterior lever; it will not unlock the exterior lever. The exterior mortise cylinder will lock or unlock the exterior lever/knob. The inside lever is always free for immediate egress.
The LA318GJ Classroom Intruder Mortise Lockset is equipped with escutcheon trim. The interior plate has the work "LOCK" and a directional arrow engraved near the mortise cylinder. An occupancy indicator round window and mechanism is recessed into the plate. The indicator window displays a day-glo green when the lockset is unlocked and a day-glo red when locked. As an alternative, Marks USA offers the LA318GS Maximum Security Mortise Lockset. The LA318GS has the same escutcheon trim, having thumb turn instead of a single acting mortise cylinder on the interior.
Securitech’s QID (Quick Intruder Deadbolt) mechanical mortise lock for classroom doors incorporates an inside button which,when pressed, extends the one inch throw deadbolt. In addition, the QID has an attack resistant (disengaging) outside lever and an inside trim visual indicator. The deadbolt can be extended using the outside or inside mortise cylinders or by pressing a button on the interior trim beneath the lever. When the mortise cylinders are turned to the locked position or the button is pressed, the deadbolt extends, locking the outside lever and changing the inside trim visual indicator to red. The inside lever is always free for immediate egress.
The Securitech Cylindrical Lockset Model incorporates a one-inch throw deadbolt with an interconnecting inside escutcheon. The escutcheon has the inside lock cylinder equipped lever, the deadbolt extending button and a visual indicator, retracting the deadbolt and the latch. The inside lever is always free for immediate egress.
As an alternative to purchasing complete mortise or cylindrical locksets, a number of classroom function locks can be converted to classroom security function locks or higher. This can be accomplished by adding and/or changing the trim, a lock (mortise) cylinder, and a key cam or inside trim visual indicator. Major Manufacturing Lock Indicator red background, white lettering doughnut signs slide onto the mortise cylinder prior to installation. The LIS-100-L has the arrows pointing left and the LIS-100-R pointing right.
Cal-Royal, Corbin-Russwin, Marks USA, PDQ, Sargent and Schlage mortise locks can be converted from a Classroom Function ANSI/BHMA F05 mortise lock to a classroom security type lock, enabling the occupants to lock the outside lever from within the classroom. This can be accomplished by installing an inside mortise cylinder or thumbturn equipped with the proper cam. If the mortise lock has rose trim, adding a cylinder guard or ring to the inside cylinder completes the installation. If not, the inside escutcheon plate can be replaced. Depending upon the lock manufacturer, an indicator can be added. Some indicators can be configured to lock or unlock the outside lever.
Marks USA’s LA318GJ LocDown mortise lock trim kit includes the inside and outside escutcheon plates, levers and the two lock cylinders. The handed trim kits are designed for Marks USA mortise locks.
Upgrading an existing classroom lock can include visual indicators that either help to remind people the direction to rotate the key or turn mechanism, or to indicate whether the outside lever is locked or unlocked. A mortise lock can have two indicators, one that indicates the direction to rotate the key to lock the outside lever. Two examples are the word "LOCK" with an arrow inscribed on the inside trim above the mortise cylinder or a doughnut that is installed beneath the cylinder ring. The second indicator notifies if the lock is locked or unlocked. The indicator can be a separate trim component or part of the inside escutcheon plate. Knowing when the outside lever is locked eliminates the need to open the door to check.
Sargent offers a Visual Indicator for its Classroom Security Intruder function 7800/8200 mortise locks equipped with rose trim. The separate housing indicator has a green-white -red slide that displays the condition of the lock. The Visual Indicator operates using the mortise lock’s thumbturn hub. It can be mounted onto the inside of the door to indicate when the outside lever/knob is locked or unlocked.
Aa new Messaging Indicator for Schlage L Series mortise locks displays a 2" by ½" red background with white letters LOCKED or white background with black letters UNLOCKED message above the mortise cylinder. The indicator is available as an N Escutcheon or a Sectional (rose style) Indicator.
For cylindrical locks, a number of lock manufacturers inscribe the word "LOCK" on the trim with an arrow to indicate the direction to turn the key in the inside lock cylinder to lock the lock. The Best 9K Series Intruder Function cylindrical lock has what appears to be a stamped image, a padlock lock on the left and a padlock unlocked with hasp rotated 180 degrees on the right. A double-pointed curved arrow between the two padlocks visually explains the choices. Corbin Russwin Classroom Security Intruder function cylindrical locks have the word "LOCK" with an arrow inscribed on the front of the lever, indicating the direction to rotate the key to lock the outside lever.
Classroom and Classroom Security function cylindrical locks are available from manufacturers including Arrow, Best, Marks, PDQ, Sargent and Schlage. Marks USA F110 Classroom Intruder and Classroom Security Cylindrical locks have the word "LOCK" with an arrow inscribed on the inside rose of their Survivor Grade 1 and 2 leversets. In addition, the roses are available separately to upgrade classroom leversets purchased prior to their introduction.
The Arrow QL Series double cylinder 97 Function ‘Classroom Intruder’ function allows the teacher to use a key to lock the outside lever from inside the classroom. An option for the QL97 function only is the Key Rotation Indicator that reassures the user which direction to turn the key to lock the outside lever.
Schlage offers the classroom function cylindrical locks with two options, the standard locks and Vandlgard. Vandlgard-equipped cylindrical locks disengage the outside spindle from the latch when the outside lever is locked. The Vandlgard function is determined by the key cam. Key cams are available separately and can for example be installed onto a Schlage ND70PD Classroom Lock (ANSI/BHMA F84) creating a ND94 Classroom Lock where forced rotation of the outside lever will not retract the latch bolt.
The PDQ XGT/GT 135 LED Classroom Intruder is a double lock cylinder cylindrical lock equipped with a side-positioned control button and red LED built into the inside base plate. When the lever is locked, pushing the control button will illuminate the LED. If unlocked, no illumination.
Electromechanical Upgrade
For those school districts that want to upgrade to electromechanical, classroom type standalone locks have different options to secure the outside lever. Electromechanical locks combine the required hardware components for an access control system into one integrated design. This includes the electrified lock, credential reader, sensors and more. The choice begins with the type of lock, offline (standalone) or online (networked).
Some offline locks offer a pushbutton on the inside housing assembly that locks the outside lever. Others offer a remote that locks the outside lever. Some manufacturers offer remotes/fobs that can be configured with existing offline lock models, providing additional levels of security.
TownSteel battery operated standalone offline electronic classroom security locks are capable of remote lockdown. The TownSteel FCE 4000 Series cylindrical locks use radio-frequency identification (RFID) to control access. The FME 4000 is a mortise lock. XCE 9000 Series locks use a telephone style keypad, and are available as cylindrical locksets. XME 9000 Series locks are a mortise lockset. These electronic locks have non-volatile memory and mechanical key override.
TownSteel XCE/XME 9000 Series locks can be programmed at the lock with up to 90 user codes and nine emergency codes. XCE/XME 9000 locks are available with a rigid or clutched outside lever. Lockdown is accomplished using a Remote Control Unit (RCU) that can be paired with one or more of the 9000 locks. The range of the RCU is up to 75 feet. When the lockdown function is activated, the 9000 Series Locks display red LEDs on both the outside and inside assemblies. Once activated, a user code or mechanical key override will gain access. Entering a cancellation code turns off the lockdown. The interior lever always provides free egress.
TownSteel FCE/FME 4000 Series standalone electronic locks can be programmed with up to 250 office keycards and user keycards, and up to 120 RCUs. The range of the RCU is up to 75 feet. Once activated, an office keycard, user keycard or mechanical key override will gain access. A lockdown cancellation keycard may be used to release lockdown mode. The interior lever always provides free egress.
Sargent Profile Series is available with offline and online electromechanical locks. The Profile v.G1.5 offline standalone access control lock provides access via PIN Code, proximity card or mechanical key override. The Profile v.G1.5 lock can be ordered with a choice of three fob functions. For this article, we will discuss the "Panic" function only. In an emergency, the lock can be locked using an RF fob inside the room within a typical range of 35 to 75 feet of the lock. Outside of the room, the range is 10 to 25 feet. Range varies by building construction.
Pressing the Profile v.G1.5 fob locks the outside lever and disables the credentials, PIN code and if equipped, Proximity Cards. Repeatedly pressing the fob does not unlock the lock. When the fob has been pressed, an interior indicator flashes red to show the outside lever is locked. Once the fob has been pressed, only a master credential can reset the lock.
Alarm Lock Networx electromechanical locks can be configured as classroom function in both cylindrical and mortise. These locks are available with keypad and/or Proximity Card Readers. Operating on a wireless network provides Alarm Lock products the ability activate emergency global lockdown or unlock from the network PC or any Networx lock by an authorized user with global permissions. Each lock supports up to 5000 users. Alarm Lock ArchiTech Networx Locks have customizable architectural style, enabling these small reader mortise and cylindrical locks use sectional trim and levers eliminating the large outside assembly.
The Schlage AD-400-MTK (Multi-Technology Keypad) wireless networked electromechanical lock is managed by third party software/controller. The 50 function option provides a button on the interior assembly that can be software programmed to lock or unlock the outside lever when pressed. In addition, the software can institute a centralized lockdown when the wake-up on radio (WOR) capability is activated. The open architecture platform AD-400 Series is available in cylindrical, mortise, mortise with deadbolt and exit trim.
The Securitech QID (Quick Intruder Deadbolt) Electrified Mortise Intruder Lock offers the same features of the QID Classroom Intruder Lock with deadbolt lockdown at the press of a remote pendant or button.
Generally, offline electromechanical locks must be locked down individually at the lock itself. Electromechanical networked locks within the access control system can all be locked down from a PC or lock, depending on the software. If the locks are hardwired, each lock can probably be locked down immediately. Battery powered access control system will have different lockdown times because the "awake time" varies in order to extend battery life. Some electromechanical locks have a "specialty" communication mechanism that enables the lock to "wake up" when it receives a specialized "notification".
Before recommending a specific electromechanical, networked lock hardwired or wireless, make sure the software supports the lock's features important to the end user.
There is significant controversy regarding using a key-operated inside lock cylinder versus a thumbturn classroom lock. What if the classroom lock is key operated and something happens to the teacher or the teacher just leaves? At what age, (18, 21) is a student an adult? Educational Group E occupancy includes the use of a structure by six or more persons at any one time for educational purposes through 12th Grade. However, educational occupancies for students above the 12th grade are considered Business Group B.
When considering the security and the liability levels for an educational facility, each school and opening must be individually evaluated. The security needs of a specific school's classroom are different from those of another school, auditorium or gymnasium. Speak with the administration, and listen to what they want. Take into account what they're saying when you present several recommendations. Always be aware of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction, local codes, building codes, life safety codes, fire codes and ADA compliance.
The following is a partial list of lock manufacturers that offer mechanical and/or electromechanical Classroom “Intruder” cylindrical and/or mortise locks, along with their web site addresses.
Alarm Lock:
Arrow Lock:
Best Access Control Systems:
Corbin Russwin:
Dorma Architectural Hardware:
Major Manufacturing:
Marks USA:
PDQ: a
Operating and Timing Classroom Function Locks
To unlock or lock the exterior knob or lever of a Classroom Lock, the key must rotate 360°, one full rotation, and then be removed. If the rotation to the locked condition is clockwise, the rotation to the unlocked condition is counterclockwise. Direction of rotation may vary by lock manufacturer.
If the lock cylinder can be rotated only 180°, the timing is off. The lock will not be secured when the outside knob/lever is locked. In this condition, jiggling the knob or lever will result in unlocking the lock.
To properly set the timing, the lock cylinder must be removed, rotate the plug in the correct direction and install. See instruction sheet for your specific manufacturer and model.