
Georgetown, TX 78628


About KeylessRide


920 Rockmoor Dr.
Georgetown, TX 78628

More Info on KeylessRide

Products and Press Releases

K2pic Jul2012

K2 Forge Complete Package

June 4, 2012
The K2 Forge Complete Package price is now available with new, lower pricing and includes 20 blank remotes. Software download fees have also been reduced. An introductory package...
Keylessride K2 Forge 10284934

K2 Forge

June 23, 2011
KeylessRide's new K2 Forge system generates "rolling code" remotes on demand for hundreds of car models. The unique FLIP-mode operation allows the user to operate keyless entry...
Hotwiresoftware 10175387
Automotive tools

Hotwire Software

June 30, 2010
Bypass Mazda Outcode/Incodes & Ford 10-minute waits with Hotwire. Keyless Ride has released two new software add-on modules, Mazda outcode/incode bypass and Ford 10-minute bypass...

Articles & News

Kaba Ilco TKO

Programming and Cloning Automotive Transponder-Equipped Keys, Remotes and Fobs

May 2, 2014
More than 95 percent of new North American passenger vehicles are equipped with some type of engine immobilizer system. Of this number, more than 80 percent of these vehicles’...
1. Ampuole (glass) Transponder

Transponders: Applications, Programming, Cloning and Retrofit

Sept. 5, 2012
Locksmiths can provide a range of automotive services, from lock repair and on-board programming to cloning and transponder key device programming.
K2 Forge Remote

Keyless Ride Keyless Entry Remotes: One K2 Forge Remote Can Control Two Vehicles

Feb. 2, 2012
We program remotes for a 2003 Honda Civic and a 2002 Honda CR-V. The customer liked the idea of only carrying one remote that operates both vehicles.
Miracle-A5 key machine

It’s A Miracle: New Miracle-A5 Key Machine From Keyless Ride

April 1, 2011
The Miracle-A5 key machine, distributed by Keyless Ride, can either originate a new automotive key by known cuts or decode cuts and originate from an existing key. One of interesting...
Photo 1. Plug into TECH2 to OBD Port.

Finding Profits in Replacement Keyless Remotes

Replacement rate and cost of keyless remotes is higher than duplicating keys.

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