Ziptide, Feb 2016

Feb. 1, 2016

Hard-To-Find Product Source?


I would like to thank you and Locksmith Ledger over the last 37 years of timely product information and service helpful hints. I have most of the issues and am amazed of the evolution of the publication and the  industry. I also appreciate you personally taking my calls when my experience was lacking. Thank you very much. 

I started from "scratch" and& with your help, I have been blessed. I am now oversupplied in many areas. My question is: Do you know of a web page where locksmiths go when they would like to buy hard-to-find products? 

Again, thanks for your help in the past. I hope to retire from a 60-hour work week by age 75 (3.5 yrs to go). I'll always continue to practice my trade but at a slower pace, my golf clubs are calling me!

Have a beautiful & successful new year. 

David Hall

Albany Lock

Editor's Note: Thanks for the kind words. As far as hard-to-find products, we don't know of one specific source. However, we recommend that you try our Online Buyers Guide at and enter the product type in the search bar.

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