Numberall Model 40B Numbering & Lettering Press

April 16, 2020

The Numberall Model 40B eliminates sloppy hand stamping with a nice, straight, even character string. Easy to operate and portable, the Model 40B can be set up quickly for use in a truck or at the lockshop. Different-size dials and spacing racks are available for changing character sizes. Optional Universal Key Nest or Custom Key Nests are available to help hold the key when stamping.

To operate the Model 40B, place the key under the dial into the holding clip or optional nest. Rotate the dial to the desired character and pull the lever. The machine stamps the key and automatically spaces over for the next character. With a few minutes of practice, anyone can produce a neat and quick impression.

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STRATTEC Security Corporation

Jan. 11, 2016
STRATTEC service and replacement locks and keys are provided to the automotive market through our customers' own Service Operations. OEM quality lock and key replacement products...