Texas Locksmiths Association NASTF Statement

Oct. 8, 2024
TLA no longer supports NASTF
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Editor’s note: The following statement was released by the Texas Locksmiths Association (TLA) after a town hall NASTF session during the TLA’s 60th annual convention. Watch at  https://fb.watch/v3c9KwFgsC/.


Following the NASTF Town Hall meeting at the 2024 Texas Locksmith Association (TLA) Convention, we feel it necessary to publicly address our position on several matters of concern. After careful deliberation, the Texas Locksmith Association has decided it can no longer support the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF).

The reasons for this decision are outlined below, but are not limited to only the following:

1. Antitrust Concerns. The TLA finds that the NASTF Scantool Validation Program is trade-restrictive and raises potential concerns regarding violations of antitrust laws. This program could stifle competition within the automotive Locksmithing industry by limiting access and imposing barriers to innovation.

2. Lack of Consideration for Industry Concerns. NASTF has repeatedly demonstrated a lack of alignment with the core concerns of our industry. Their focus appears to be driven more by revenue-generating initiatives than addressing the needs of Locksmiths and other professionals within the sector. This misalignment is troubling and counterproductive for the automotive Locksmithing community.

3. Retaliatory Regulation Tactics. The TLA has witnessed instances of retaliatory regulation tactics employed by NASTF in attempts to suppress opposition. This behavior is inconsistent with the cooperative and collaborative environment we expect from organizations that serve the Locksmithing community.

4. Unfair Representation in Board of Directors. The current NASTF board of directors’ election process does not provide fair representation. The original bylaws governing the board were created under NASTF's original mission and are not reflective of its current Service Data Release Model (SDRM) responsibilities. Since SDRM affects predominantly Locksmiths, the TLA believes it is essential that Locksmiths have greater representation in board decisions.

 5. Failure to Design Access Levels. NASTF has failed to design a system that properly designates levels of access. This flaw allows individual groups like body shops, repossession companies, etc., in states that require licensing, such as Texas, to bypass the required training and licensing requirements while gaining access to key codes. Their access should only be limited to immobilizer authorization. This undermines state licensing regulations and devalues the certification process.

 6. Detriment to Innovation. The NASTF Scantool Validation Program is likely to harm innovation in the automotive Locksmithing industry. By limiting the customer base and creating barriers for companies to recoup their research and development costs, the program may stifle technological advancement and hinder the growth of small businesses in our field.

7. Waiving of Legal Rights During Appeals. The NASTF bylaws include provisions that require participants to waive certain legal rights during the appeal process. We believe this is unfair and does not provide sufficient due process for those affected by their decisions.

In light of these concerns, the Texas Locksmith Association cannot in good conscience continue to support NASTF in its current state. We encourage the organization to reconsider its direction and policies to better align with the interests of Locksmiths and the broader automotive industry.

The Texas Locksmith Association, Boad of Directors.