20 Years Ago
PCSC introduced us to the world of card access with its LiNC-Ez Master Kit. Tim O'Leary explained the Ilco PowerLever series, which develops self-generated power without batteries. Wade Landrum suggested the Videx TouchAccess 300 access control system. Jennifer Landrum interviewed Nancy Meyers, a California locksmith. Gale Johnson discovered a vintage Keil cylinder that was designed to be almost pickproof. Joy Skowron updated readers on the latest original key blanks from STRATTEC. Richard Formica found a Linhai moped from China which required keys made. Jerry Levine installed a WL100 wireless lock by Marray. Tiny serviced the locks on a Chrysler PT Cruiser, while High Tech Tools provided all the answers for unlocking the same vehicle. Lockmasters continued publishing its essay contest winners. Dennis Baxter demonstrated how to use his tryout keyset to fit keys to a Ford eight-cut lock system. Don O'Shall defended the accuracy of masterkey systems. Milt Wolferseder showed the inner workings of McGunn Cash Handler 5 safes.
10 Years Ago
Jerry Levine brought readers up to speed on how to install a Schlage CO series electronic lock. Jerry Levine also interviewed a locksmith at a leading university concerning the duties of an institutional locksmith. Tom Gillespie assured readers that mechanical masterkey systems were alive and well. Intruder locks were the subject of an article in line with the renewed interest in school safety. The topic of door closers was covered, showing the various accessories available for surface-mounted door closers. An article titled “Death By Door Closer” narrates a real-life legal problem a locksmith became involved in during the installation of replacement door closers. Tim O'Leary explained when and where to install electromagnetic locks. Gale Johnson reported on the expanded product line from Marks USA. Tim O'Leary suggested wireless security systems as a good profit center. Locksmith Ledger looked back at the successful 2010 ALOA convention. Tony Presidio, Advanced Diagnostics, provided an update on his product line. Jerry Levine suggested the Abus 141/2000 Integral Diskus hasp as a way to increase security.
Tips For Trimark
Trimark Corp. is well-known for its variety of locks for recreational-vehicle and trucking industries. At least one key system offered by Trimark uses keys having tips stops.
A new problem has occurred with locks that take original KS201 blanks. The key-code series is 1001-1240. Apparently, a different lock company manufactures key blanks using the same codes, depths and spacing but with shoulders added. The possible reasoning might be that shoulder-stop keys are easier to gauge in machines during origination. Ilco offers a 1622 key blank and JMA has a TRM-11D key blank, but these are both tip-stop keys.
When a key that has a code between 1001 and 1240 comes into your shop for duplication, the only solution is to originate a tip-stop key. Spacing from the tip is 665/573/480/388/295. Depths are: 1.)339 2.)319 .3)299 4.)289. For Framon machines, use an “F” stop set at 237.
Download a card for the 1200CM machine at https://locksmithledger.com/21153150.